Make A Homemade, Kiddo Approved, Immune Boosting Elderberry Syrup

         It’s that time of year again. The kiddos are headed back to school.  A backpack full of sharpened pencils, composition notebooks, and a box of tissues.  That’s right, the teachers know what the beginning days of Autumn will bring.  Lots of allergies, respiratory viruses, and other pesky bugs.  Does Elderberry Syrup fit into your seasonal wellness plan?

Don’t you worry, I have you covered. We have included a yummy, kiddo approved Elderberry Syrup Recipe and some product options for ease and no clean up.

Kind Words Are Like Honey Sweet For The Soul And Healthy For The Body Proverbs 16:24:

How To Best Support Your Health

     So act fast and start building up and supporting their little immune systems now.  Dr. Ana-Maria Temple, a Charlotte-based integrative pediatrician suggest a holistic, proactive approach to staying well.  Here are her – Must Do’s :

  • Adequate rest
  • Hydration
  • Regular exercise, out in the fresh air whenever possible
  • A healthy diet:  Dr. Temple believes “the best remedies for cold and flu are found in plants and spices.” 
  • Quality supplements covering nutrients your diet misses.  For most Americans, this means Vitamins A, C, and D, plus Magnesium.  

Elderberries Colorful Clues

     Nature is always giving us clues.  We see patterns when we look at foods with a dark purple or red colors.  These colors are known to contain Anthocyanins, which are rich in antioxidants and are considered to be anti-inflammatory and help boost the immune system.  A Study was done showing the shortening effects ( by 4 days) of taking Elderberry Extract compared to the placebo with patients suffering from influenza like symptoms. More and more clinical studies are coming out showing positive results. I recommend this article, The Health Benefits of Elderberry for more nutritional information and possible contraindication to be aware of.

Health Benefits of Elderberries Syrup

  • fight off free-radicals
  • antiviral properties 
  • anti-inflammatory benefits
  • contains the following vitamins and minerals: ( Vit. A & C , Potassium, Iron, Folate, Calcium and more….
elderberry syrup

Disclaimer : The reader and user of this blog acknowledges that the information in this website, is for general information only.  It is not intended for medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional consultation with a qualified healthcare practitioner that knows you and your medical needs personally. 

elderberry syrup

DIY Elderberry Syrup- Equipment & Supplies

Immune Boosting Elderberry Syrup

Miss Maypop
This Elderberry Syrup is full of Immune Boosting Herbs – This tasty Herbal Syrup is kiddo approved and full of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory herbs.


  • 2 cups dried organic elderberries
  • 4 cups quality water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 4-5 cloves
  • 2 1 inch fresh ginger root
  • 1 vanilla bean split and scraped
  • 1 cup raw local honey (or maple syrup if you’re vegan)


  • Add all ingredients ( minus honey ) into pot of water and bring to boil
  • Reduce to simmer for 30-40 min ( liquid will decrease by almost half )
  • Remove from heat and let cool
  • Strain berries and herbs using a cheesecloth
  • Add in honey and stir well
  • Pour into clean container and label
Keyword elderberry syrup, fall, herbal remedy,

Elderberry Gummies

elderberry immune boosting gummies

If your family has a more of a gummy and go style, these are so yum!!

A lot of us out there are leaning more on herbs and natural remedies, but don’t have the extra time to make these things from scratch. Luckily, more brands are popping up to fill a need. What we are extra pumped about is that many of these brands are run by mompreneurs.

Two Moms and Business Owners that I would highly recommend you taking a look at are:

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